
Dr. Thamer M. Jamel

Communication Engineering Department


Thamer M. Jamel was born in Baghdad, Iraq. He graduated from the University of Technology with a Bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering. Moreover, He received a Master’s degree in digital communications engineering and a Doctoral degree in communication engineering in 1997. His scientific degree is associate professor since 2009 and currently he is one of the staff of the communication engineering department at University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq. He has more than 20 years’ experience in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students, supervised over 18 M.Sc. theses and published more than 40 papers ( including ISI Journals ) .He is a Referee for Scientific Papers for the Purpose of Publication in national and international conferences and journals. I’m also intereseted in Adaptive Digital Signal Processing (Algorithms and Applications) for Communications System, Modern Communications Systems ( OFDM , UWB , Cognitive Radio , MIMO, ….etc), Digital Signal Processing • DSP uP’s based or FPGA based adaptive filtering system, General uP’s based systems for Communications Systems.

1. Digital Signal Processing (DSP).

2. Probability & Statistics.

3. Probability &Random Variables.

4. Communications Electronic Circuits.

5. Information Theory.

6. Electronic Circuit design (Analog & Digital).

7. Analogue & Digital Communication.

8. Computer networks & Data transmission.

9. Microprocessor Engineering (8085-8088-8086-80286-80386-80486- and Pentium Family.

10. Digital System Design.

1. “Performance Enhancement of Adaptive Beamforming Algorithms Based on a Combination Method”.
Thamer M. Jamel
, 12th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), March 2015 – Mahdia, Tunisia.Publisher

2. ” A New Variable Length LMS Algorithm for Partial Update Adaptive Filtering Driven by Cyclostaionary Signal “.
Thamer M. Jamel and Faez Fawzi Hammood.
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (IJCDS), Vol 5, issue 5, pp 411-419, Sep, 2016.

3. Performance Evaluation of the Fast Euclidean Direction Search Algorithm for Adaptive Beamforming Applications.
Thamer M. Jamel.
2016 Al-Sadeq International Conference on Multidisciplinary in IT and Communication Science and Applications (AIC-MITCSA).

4. “FPGA Based Adujsted Step Size LMS Algorithm for Adaptive Noise Cancellation “.
Thamer Muhammed Jamel, Haider Abd Al-Latif Mohamed.
Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol 25 No.4 (2018).

5. “Performance enhancement of Echo Cancellation Using a Combination of Partial Update ( PU) Methods and New Variable Length LMS (NVLLMS) Algorithm “.
Thamer M. Jamel, Faez Fawzi Hammood.
Engineering college Journal of Engineering college / University of Baghdad , Vol. 24, issue 5 , 2018.

6. “New Combined Adaptive (NCA) Algorithm for Smart Antenna System Applications”.
Thamer M. Jamel.
IETE Journal of Research (IETE The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers), Vol. 60, issue 02, pp. 123-132, 2014.

7. “Performance Enhancement of Smart Antennas Algorithms for Mobile Communications System”.
Thamer M. Jamel.
International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, North Atlantic University Union ( NAUN) , USA , VOL.8, June 2014, pp.313-320.

8. “Noise Canceller Using a New Modified Adaptive Step Size LMS Algorithm”.
WSEAS Transaction on signal processing , vol.10 , pp. 637-644, 2014.

9. “Performance Enhancement of Conjugate Gradient Method (CGM) for Mobile Communications System”.
Thamer M. Jamel.
International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, North Atlantic University Union ( NAUN) , USA , VOL.9, 2015.

10. “New Proposed Adaptive Beamforming Algorithms Based on Merging CGM and NLMS methods“.
Thamer M. Jamel.
Communication, Signal Processing & Information Technology: Extended Papers, edited by Faouzi Derbel, Nabil Derbel, Olfa Kanoun,(pp. 1–22), (2018).

11. “New Performance Enhancement of Adaptive IIR Filtering Applications”.
Thamer M. Jamel ; Karam Kais Naji.
Third Scientific Conference of Electrical Engineering (SCEE), Baghdad, Iraq, 2018, pp. 7-12.

• Adaptive Digital Signal Processing (Algorithms and Applications) for Communications System. • General uP’s based systems for

• Modern Digital Communications Systems Engineering.

• Modern Communications Systems ( OFDM , UWB , Cognitive Radio , MIMO, ….etc).

• Digital Signal Processing.

• DSP uP’s based or FPGA based adaptive filtering system.

• DSP uP’s based systems for Communications Systems..

• PhD, in Communication Engineering, University of Technology / Iraq, 1997.

• MSc, in Communication Engineering, University of Technology / Iraq, 1991.

• BSc, in Electronics Engineering, 1984.

• Referee for Scientific Papers for the Purpose of Publication in national and international conferences and journals.

•Examining over more than thirty MSc Thesis’s and three PhD theses.

• Overseaes examiner for more than three PhD thesis.

• Supervising over more than forty Graduate Projects in Several Universities.

• Training course for one month in the University Putra Malaysia (UPM), department of computer and communications system engineering, Malaysia, 2010.

•Professor visitor in engineering and Petroleum College / Hadramout University– Yemen, 2006.

• Visiting professor for one year (September 2013- August 2014) at the Missouri University / Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering.

• Visiting professor for one year 2014-2015 at Philadelphia University / Engineering College – Jordan.

• Design and Hardware implementation of TMS32025 DSP card and interfacing with Personal Computer in Ph.D. Thesis.

• Design and Hardware Implementation of ISDN MODEM using uP ‘s-based system in my M.Sc’s Thesis.