
Noor Jamal Jihad

Communication Engineering Department


Dr. Noor J. Jihad was born in Baghdad, Iraq. She graduated from the University of Technology with a Bachelor’s degree (First Rank) in electrical and electronics engineering in 2009. She received a Master’s degree with distinction in communications engineering from Brunel University London in 2012. Her scientific degree is a Lecturer since 2014. She holds Ph.D. degree in Electrical and electronic Engineerin from UOT, Baghdad Iraq in 2023. Currently, She is one of the staff of the communication engineering department at the University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq.
Her Research Interests:
• Dispersion compensation schemes FBG and DCF…. etc.),
• Modern Communications Systems (OFDM, UWB, Cognitive Radio, MIMO …etc.)
• wireless and Microwave engineering (filter design, Antenna, Radar, Transmission line…etc.).

• Optical Physics.

• Optical fiber communication I.

• Optical fiber communication II.

1- Performance study of ACO-OFDM and DCO OFDM in optical camera communication system, NJ Jihad, SMA Satar, 2nd Al-Noor International Conference for Science and Technology, 2020.

2- Optical camera communication performance evaluation, NJ Jihad, SM Abdul Satar, Iraqi Journal of Computers, Communications, Control and Systems Engineering.

3- OCC future and obstacles under 5G requirements, N Jihad, S Abdul Satar, Emirates Journal for Engineering Research, 2020.

4- BER performance study for optical OFDM of optical camera communication, NJ Jihad, SMA Satar, International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering, 2021.

5- Two-dimensions asymmetrically clipped optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing for screen to a camera communications system, NJ Jihad, SM Abdul Satar, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2021.

6- The Impact of Switching Voltage of Mach-Zehnder Modulator on Subcarrier Multiplexing Amplitude Shift Keying Radio over Fiber System, NJ Jihad, TJES Tikrit Journal for Engineering Science, 2017.

7- Performance evaluation of error correction for screen-camera communication systems, NJ Jihad, SM Abdul satar, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2022.

8- Comparison between 2D DCO OFDM and 2D ACO OFDM systems for optical camera communication, N Jihad, S Satar, International Journal of Computing and Digital System, 2021.

9- Comparison between various dispersion compensation schemes in optical fiber communication system, NJ Jihad Journal of Optical Communications, 2023.


• Optical camera communication systems.

• Optical fiber communication systems.

• Wireless and Microwave engineering.

• Optical wireless communication systems.

• Modern Communications Systems.

• ROF radio over fiber.

• Dispersion compensation schemes.

• Optical communication systems.

Ph.D., Electrical and electronic Engineering, UOT, Baghdad Iraq, 2023.

• M.Sc., communication engineering, University of Brunel, UK, 2013.

• B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, University of Technology, 2009.

• Major certificates:

• الأولى على كلية الهندسه الكهربائيه والالكترونيه 2010، تم تكريمها قبل وزير التعليم العالي بمنحها بعثه لدراسه الماجستير في بريطانيا .

• حاصله على شهادة الماجستير بتقديرأمتياز في مجال هندسه الاتصالات من جامعه برونيل لندن 2012.

• Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers international IEEEالمشاركة في عضوية في المؤتمر العالمي

• Scopus and clarivate ومجلات عالميه رصينه ضمن مستوعبات IEEE,IOP نشر بحوث علميه في مجالات التكنولوجيا والاتصالات ضمن المؤتمرات دوليه