 iYearThe ResearchName of JournalName of Researcher
1Vol. 20, No.02, march 2016MIPS CPU DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION BASED CYCLONE II FPGA BOARDJournal of Engineering and DevelopmentAsst.Prof.Dr.Ibstesm Rahem Karhiy
2Vol.34, Part(A), No.6, 2016Power Saving Sleep Mode Enhancement Mobile WiMAX NetworksEng.&Tech. JournalAsst.Prof.Dr.Ibstesm Rahem Karhiy
32016Evaluation of hybrid sol-gel incorporated with nanoparticlesas nano paintAIP/USAAsst.Prof.Dr. Zainab Nasir Jameel
42015Performance Enhancement of Conjugate Gradieut Method (CGM) for mobile communication systemInt. Journal of circuits, system and signal processing, North Atlantic University Union ( NAUN), USA.Vol.9,P.P 121-133.Asst.Pro.Dr. Thameer Mohammed Jamel
5vol . 15, no.3 , 2015Polarigation Division Multiplexing CoherentbOptical of OFDM Trausmission SystemsIraqi Journal of computer engineering, communications and control systems.Asst.Pro.Dr.Ali Fattah Yousif
62016Mitigation of Fiber Nonlineantye Effects in Ultra High-Dense WDM System by using Fractional F.T. for 32 Ch . S.Engineering and Technology Journal vol.34, part A, no.1Asst.Pro.Dr.Ali Fattah Yousif
72016A slot Fractal Antenna for Ultra Wideband Applications With WiMAX Band RejectionIraqi Journal of computer engineering, communications and control systems.Asst.Pro.Dr.Jamal Mohammed Rasool
iYearThe ResearchName of ConferenceName of Researcher
12015Performance Analysis of Designing a Hybrid Optical Amplifier (HOA) for 32 DWDM Channels in L-band by using EDFA and Raman Amplifier.IEEE third international conference on artificial intelligence, modeling and stimulation.Asst.Pro.Dr. Aied Khalaf Mohmmed
22015Compact dual – band bandpass filter using Multi – mode resonator of short ended and open-ended coupled lineAsia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) Nanjing, ChinaAsst.Pro.Dr.Emad Shihab Ahmed